Monday, April 19, 2010

The Chef does everything but cook-- That's what wives are for!

The advertising industry has long been one that perpetuates ideas and feelings through images, audio, video, etc. The industry of advertising relies on persuasion techniques which may not be politically correct. Advertising has always relied on themes that pique the interest of consumers. One theme that is repeated throughout advertising history is the use of sexism in ads. As men are usually in charge of these media/advertising companies, the image of woman has been subject to ads that promote inequality of women in society. These ads usually discount women from productive members of society to objects of men who only know how to serve, cook, and look pretty. In the past few decades however, women's rights have come a long way in fighting these sexist advertisements.

One instance of sexism being perpetuated by the media is an ad for Kenwood chef kitchen mixer. The advertisement shows a man and his wife in a kitchen with the man wearing a suit as if he is going off to work. The wife is shown in a submissive posture wearing a chef’s hat. This kind of scene is not very degrading on its own, however, in large print; the ad reads “The Chef does everything but cook- that’s what wives are for!” This advertisement while meaning to sell a kitchen mixer, is devaluing women as a whole and supports the stereotype that all women can do is stay at home and cook for their husbands.

As this advertisement is trying to merely sell a mixer(intended purpose), the ad contains a message that suggests that women are cooking machines and that staying at home are all that women are good for(unintended consequence). This advertisement probably circulated in the 1960s does not take into account the active women in the workforce. This advertisement when examined however, does not appeal to women directly as the buyer of the product. The product is actually aimed at the husband, most likely because the male has more spending power in the household which would make him responsible for buying new equipment for his wife to use. This article affects both sexes as men may only see women as cleaning machines/household specialists while women may see this as their only identity to identify with and conform to the stereotype that women are only good at home and are not active contributors to society. This can be detrimental to all age groups in women as well as identification of these advertisements from young girls may create a false image which shows that all they have going for them later in life is serving their husband and taking care of the home which can be detrimental to the formation of goals and dreams for many of these young children.

I believe this advertisement was done in a time where it was considered politically correct to circulate this kind of advertisement. If this advertisement were circulated in the present time, women’s rights activists would jump on and protest such an absurd advertisement. However, this article was created where the workforce consisted primarily of men at a time where only one member of the household was needed to support the family. Although this advertisement definitely perpetuates sexism, I do not feel that it was created purposely to devalue women.


  1. Hi !
    Your article is really intersesting and makes me think about this kind of ads . I'm surprised that women weren't shocked by the fact that they were compared to simple objects for men, whereas they were emancipating themselves. All ads have to attract but in my opinion , sexism's theme isn't a good mean to catch atention.

  2. I find your blog very interesting. But, your remark on this advertising, I find it useless. You just explain what we see and what happened. Me, I just see a poster to make sell a robot. And knowing that the women cooking much more than the men, I find his sentence understandable.

  3. I agree with you and your article because to me the advertissments show a vision of the society which has some sexism like this ad of Kenwood chef. And on the contrary the advertising industry should help to change and stop the inequalities between men and women thanks to ads where men do the cooking for example.

    Marion Michel

  4. At first, I think that this ad represents the sixties. It represents the inequality between men and women. To me, we can can see with this ad that women are good just to cook for her husband and at the time it was true.

  5. Hello !
    I agree with your article. In my opinion, advertising industry should change attitudes and make a better place in society. For example, ads continued to show inequalities to day. ♥♥♥

  6. I agree with you when you speak about the sixties. It was a period when women were considered like inferior vis-à-vis men. It wasn't shocking for this time, beacause women often did the housework. Men said and women did, it was normal for this period. Now, a picture like this should be constested of course. Furthermore, sexism in work, sports and more is always present.

  7. Hi K-LAC, I want to say thank you because this analistic article is really interesting. My first impression when I look at this document is not the same as yours and I have to say that your point of view on this document made me think. Julien

  8. I agree with you and I think that the mentalities haven't changed yet.
    The situation has changed but sexism is always in our society and it will stay in the society if men don't consider women at the same rank as them. From my point of view, women who have the same work and the same timework must have the same earnings for example.

  9. hello sir,
    I really love your blog and I agree with your point of view as to continue its .

  10. As for me, I think that your comment is right. In fact, women are considered like an object in this advertisement. Moreover, this ad is not the representation of the society ad the time because they are emanciped.

  11. Hi !
    I do not totally agree with you because we should not think too much on advertisement. In addition, women are not longer seen as objects now!
    It's a battle they fought and won in many countries in the 60's. Even though there are still some people who are sexist it represents only a minority now...

  12. Your point of view is interesting, but I think that it's not the complete reality of the 60's. Indeed for me, the 60's is the decade of emencipation of women too, such as the emergence of the mini skirt.

  13. Hello !
    I totally agree with you, women in old times, were just like toys, there were used by men for their benefits. The way of thinking is a lot different from before, of course now there are associations against this type of things. But before, women were not considered as a member of the community, it's just as if they weren't there, it will change nothing. Of course they were useful : they could cook, and take care of kids, they were not socially acceptable according to the way of thinking in the 60's. It' s of course clearly sexism.

  14. I think like you. I tkink that the society is affected by advertisement. It was the image of women before the 60's.

  15. K-LAC I agree with you, because I think it is not normal that women are subjected to men's idea that women are here only to cook. It is not normal for someone to be able to say "women are made for that." In addition, this poster shows a form of sexism which is a shame. Men could be as capable as the women to cook.

  16. Hello K-LAC, I think like you about this advertisement. I think this advertisement is devaluing women even if it was not the goal of this advertisement. I think it could be detrimental to groups of youg women, because they can think their future will be like that, they can think they will have to do the housework, do the washing-up, do the cooking for her husbands. But it mustn't be like that !

  17. I agree with you, the woman is not a machine. This advertisement shows the woman in a submissive posture. This picture shows the inequality. But this ad was made in the 60s, so it was not intended to belittle women but simply to advertise.

  18. I think this poster is sexist, especially the title, but we need hindsight because it is a poster that dates back from the 60's when the man domination the household. Such poster would not be possible today because the role of women has evolved !

  19. This ad kind of made me laugh. The represented scene is a an old stereotype, a cliché, that cooking and taking care of the house was the only things women were good at, which seem to be what men used to think of women in that time. I agree with you that it may not have been done in order to devaluate women back in the day. And yeah, as you said, feminists would definitely protest against such an ad nowadays.

  20. I totally agree with you about the difference of women's status between today and in the sixties. moreover, this ad is a perfect example of women's fight for sex equality. they are not personal objects. we need to respect them since we have different qualities and humanity needs all these qualities.

  21. I agree with what you think about this advertising. It shows women as objects to do the cleaning and cooking. In those years, this kind of advertising was not shocking but today these advertising would not be well accepted by women. Because they do not have the same place in society.

  22. I agree with your point of view, women are not men's objects who only know how to serve, cook, and look pretty. Women must fight against sexist advertisements, where they are shown in submissive postures. The stereotype that the only thing women can do is stay at home and cook for their husbands should be broken. For me, it is necessary to protest for gender equality.

  23. K-LAC,
    I really liked your article. We don't hear a lot about sexism in advertising industry whereas it used to be common. Fortunatelly, women are not considered as kitchen machines anymore. Advertising industry should not throw sexsit messages because it has an impact on people's behaviour and it makes sexism seem normal.

  24. I would like to react to your article , I think that in this article you generalized the status of the women during the 60s. I think that some women had the power to protest but others could not use the good means to reach independance becauce of family pressure .

  25. K-LAC,
    I wanted to react on your article. Firstly I find your blog very interesting and you are right, the ways advertising industry make use of the women is shameful and incorrect. Women are not only used to cook or to do the housework.It's is a sexism. Advertisments should show a better image of today's women, and men who cook. I hope that this mentality will change in the future.

  26. I totally disagree with you. Now it's really different than the past. I think that women are in the advertisement to promote an article not to be discriminate. Moreover, sexism is not only in the adversing industry, it's a reflection of society!

  27. The mentality of the Sixties is terribly different from the current mentality. Indeed, during the Sixties women had to stay at home to do the housework, tidy up the house and cook. Moroever, women could not work . Indeed, they had to stay at home. Luckily, this mentality is finished today and women can have a job. As far as I'm concerned, I think that it's totally normal that men help women in the housework .Personally, I occasionally cook and I clean my bedroom every week.

  28. Thank you so much. I need this for my assignment.
